Evolution - what the fuck are period pains about? Seriously? If I wanted to feel as though I was having blades twisted through my spine, I would go to war with Troy. I fail to see the biological purpose of this. Do eggs go off? If so: why? Surely that is a fucking waste? What's more, I don't see the need for a tiny, less-than-a-milimetre failure of a zygote to be such an attention seeking bitch when it's making it's exit. Face it, egg, you failed in your purpose, but don't take it out on me. Maybe it is as padre says - periods are an incentive to pregnancy. This entails more pain and also life-stopping baby influx; I think not. [collapses in a corner]
God - Eve screwed up, get over it already. She nommed a bit of fruit. I would have stuck to grapes and chicken legs and things. It seems really unfair that a grudge you held for a woman who wound up forced to do her own sons or let the species die should still be on your mind now. You don't automatically give people called Noah free wood, or Egyptians weekly plagues. Omnibenevolent? Really? Also, thought you'd had a change of heart when you became a dad? Turn the other cheek? Please, God, if you've any logic or anything, you'll see this torture's utterly unnecessary. I didn't even swear here, just for you. Please sort it. [collapses in opposite corner]
The only way I can cope is to take multiple drugs immediately and constantly throughout the whole ordeal and if I slightly waver from this plan I am in agony all week.