Hello blogosphere! I've not even thought about blogging for ages, but now exams are over and done with, I have plenty of time to ramble at the world at large about my going's on. As such, I present the first in (probably a worryingly long) series of blogs dedicated to things I waste my holiday time on.
Today (and the inspiration for this series) I have spent an inordinately long time performing open surgery on my laptop. This means dismantling it, fiddling about with the motherboard, poking things and attempting to burrow my way towards the fan which is so clogged up with dust and grime and whatnot that it keep making the computer blackout and reboot when I am trying to waste my time in less educational pastimes like killing undead beasts on guildwars.
In the past hour I have learned why magnetic screwdrivers are the tools of the gods, that fighting a chainsaw and fending off a BBQ doesn't necessarily lead to exciting discoveries and also why I should never be let alone in a house where such things are within arm's reach.
The problem now is that I feel like a legitimate computer technician and wish to become one of those people, who pimps their laptop and upgrades their harddrive and gaming chips. Somebody help me?
Today (and the inspiration for this series) I have spent an inordinately long time performing open surgery on my laptop. This means dismantling it, fiddling about with the motherboard, poking things and attempting to burrow my way towards the fan which is so clogged up with dust and grime and whatnot that it keep making the computer blackout and reboot when I am trying to waste my time in less educational pastimes
In the past hour I have learned why magnetic screwdrivers are the tools of the gods, that fighting a chainsaw and fending off a BBQ doesn't necessarily lead to exciting discoveries and also why I should never be let alone in a house where such things are within arm's reach.
The problem now is that I feel like a legitimate computer technician and wish to become one of those people, who pimps their laptop and upgrades their harddrive and gaming chips. Somebody help me?
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