
Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Barriers To Civil Rights: A Ballad.

There once was a man called Booker,
Who wondered what civil rights were –
His accomodationist aim,
Led to political fame,
Until some problems began to occur…

Without sufficient organisation,
He put emphasis on education,
“If we want some improvement,
We don’t need a movement,
We should focus upon work preparation.”

Though the white men turned in his favour,
Others trust in him began to waver.
His best chum Du Bois,
Said he “ you won’t get very far,
Through such accepting and conformist behaviour.”

Most black people lacked land and employment,
And had no money to aid life’s enjoyment,
So they formed a committee,
To take on New York City,
And assert their general discontent.

The South weren’t so fond of such sights
As the pressure groups wanting their rights,
The KKK took to lynching,
The Deep South unflinching,
In the Supreme Court, corruption ignites.

Jim Crow’s laws enforced race segregation,
Which depended on state destination,
Southern court collusion,
Prevented black inclusion,
And led to further social degradation.

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